If you’ve hit a slump in the bedroom, it may be time to take a closer look at your diet. These seven foods are packed with nutrients that can perk up your libido and may improve your overall health, too.

Food has long been used to increase sexual desire, but did you know there are foods that can actually improve your performance?

But you don’t need to resort to any exotic foods from faraway lands; according to various studies, these common, natural foods will all but ensure you a successful session between the sh

Having sex isn’t good for you just because orgasms feel good (they do). It’s also linked to maintaining a healthier weight and a stronger immune system.

Instead of eating as if your penis needs special attention, fill your day with foods that optimize your whole body, and in turn, help your blood bring the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your penis needs to function.

Men who want to enhance their sexual health by using safe techniques can follow a natural male enhancement diet. Also known as aphrodisiacs, they work by generating sexual arousal and excitement after you consume them.

Should you eat more of the foods containing these key nutrients?

Dark Chocolate For Erectile Dysfunction

A recent study in the journal Circulation found that flavonoids in dark chocolate improve circulation. That could be good for erection problems that are due to poor circulation.

Studies show that dark chocolate (not the sugary crap) can improve your health and lower the risk of heart disease.

Chocolate comes from cacao, which is a plant with high levels of minerals and antioxidants. Cacao is packed with numerous antioxidants — actually more than green tea or red wine,” she says.

By themselves, dark chocolates are great sources of serotonin as well as phenylethylamine which act as stimulants and reinvigorates your sexual health.

Dark chocolates are replete with caffeine and a potent antioxidant. This boosts blood flow and strengthens your libido.

Acerola Cherries

As discussed above, erectile dysfunction is sometimes a result of plaque build-up and poor blood flow to the genital regions.

Also called “Barbados cherry” and “West Indies cherry,” acerola is a fruit that comes from the Malpighiaceae plant family. Acerola is not an actual cherry, but it is a berry-like fruit.

It is a highly perishable fruit, and the more the fruit ripens the more vitamin C it loses.

Acerola cherries are a potent source of Vitamin C, boasting the highest known concentrations of all foods.

Fresh acerola juice contains 13 times more vitamin C than an equal portion of orange juice.

What’s an acerola cherry? While it may look similar to the ones you find in cherry pie, this cherry isn’t even a real cherry.

So what makes an acerola cherry special? And why would you want to add it to your diet? Here’s the sweet (but tart) truth about this deceptive fruit.

Acerola is commonly used by mouth to prevent vitamin C deficiency and to treat scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. It is also used for the common cold, diarrhea, liver problems, and other conditions.

The fruit is most commonly found in supplement form. This is because the berry decomposes within five days of harvest, losing much of its nutrition. Even juices spoil easily unless preservatives are added.

The acerola cherries, also known as Barbados cherries or West Indian cherries, are generally 1 centimeter to 1 inch in diameter and are orange-red to ruby-red in color. BTW, while they’re called “cherries” and look a lot like bings or maraschinos, acerola is technically cherry-like berries.

To put it in perspective, the recommended daily value of vitamin C for women is 75mg and 90mg for men. While you’d have to eat 1 cup of oranges to meet the RDV, you can get the same amount from just 3 acerola cherries.


Almonds contain arginine which improves circulation and relaxes blood vessels. This amino acid found in almonds helps you maintain an erection.

Nuts, in general, have fat, but they’re either polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats, and many nuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which protect the heart and the arteries

They are a great source of fiber and protein and contain important nutrients including vitamin E, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins, especially folate and biotin (vitamin B7).

An ounce of almonds provides half the vitamin E you need daily, 8 percent of calcium, and 19 percent of magnesium. These nutrients lower your risk of heart attack and improve your bone strength.

What’s in almonds that are going to put lead in your pencil? Well, you see these nutrient-packed tree nuts contain an amino acid, arginine, which helps relax blood vessels and promote healthy circulation.

You might have heard it discussed in conjunction with heart health.

A 2018 analysis of the trial data had already reported that daily consumption of these nuts appeared to improve sperm quality.

The recent analysis uses the same trial data but focuses on the effect of nut consumption on sexual and erectile function.

Citrus fruits Are Rich In Flavonoids

When a person has difficulty getting and maintaining an erection, doctors refer to it as ED.

According to the Urology Care Foundation, ED affects up to 30 million men in the United States.

These are plant compounds that work like antioxidants, scavenging byproducts of the body’s metabolism, or harmful molecules resulting from exposure to environmental pollutants like smog, cigarette smoke, or pesticides.